Interview: Callum Browne from Little L Records

1.     Who are you?

Hi! My name is Callum and I run Little L Records!

2. Where are you based?

We're based in Carlow! 

3. What achievements do you want me to know about?

Hmm, we've done a few cool things! One of the biggest things that always gets me excited when doing this is the artists we work with and have worked with! 

4. What are you up to now?

A few of the artists we've worked with in the past are doing some really amazing things, people like Shamir, who's just signed to XL Recordings and Homeshake, who's put out an amazing album with Sinderlyn. Other than this, I'm always really hyped for pressing vinyl, which we've done a couple of times. We'll have a new 7" from American Haiku coming very soon.

5.    Name something unique about your label?

I think something unique about us is the span of music we release. While I'm a big fan of a lot of labels who cultivate a particular sound or aesthethic, I wanted to go into this doing a diverse span of music. As a result we've done everything from free-jazz to post-metal. 

Another unique thing that we're somewhat known for is our spray-painted tape designs!

6. What is the best song ever written?

Oh man, this is a tricky one. At the moment I'm very very partial to saying that Monster Machismo's "Kiss Kiss Pessimist" is a modern masterpiece.

7. What's the best album ever made?

Another tough question but at the moment, as a full work I will always put The Mars Volta's "Deloused in the Comatorium" super high up in the list! It feels so full from start to finish and it's been something I always have come back to for years.

8. What are your future plans?

We have a load of new releases coming up! 

We have releases from Ghost in a Sundress, Vejgaard Ambient, Moon > Sun and a split from Goshawk/Monsters of The Antipodes and This City Called Earth coming up, just to name a few!

We also have a lot more vinyl happening soon, including a lovely ambient split from Lost Trail/Leaaves and Syd Kemp too!

9.   Where can I spend money on your releases?

You can download our releases over at our bandcamp where the majority of our releases are free! You can buy our CDs, tapes and records from our storenvy
